Bollywood star Ajay Devgn has tried his hand in direction, production and even entered the real estate business and now he is going to launch an entertainment portal soon. The 41 year old actor had a great time in 2010 as he had six releases and also became father of a son.
Now, Ajay is starting the New Year with new business with this entertainment portal, which will sell tickets for movies, plays, sports events and concerts. A source close to the actor was quoted saying that Ajay is a partner of this portal called
This will make the ticket buying process easier for the entertainment and sports lovers, who need to stand in queue to get the ticket for their favorite movies or plays.Apart from selling tickets, the portal will also offer expert movie reviews, interesting features, interesting trivia as well as celebrity news and gossips. It will also offer the option to buy movie CDs, DVDs and their merchandises. Devgn wanted exactly the same thing and the portal came with all those features.
The sources cleared that the portal would not be included in his personal website. However, the portal will offer a platform to the fans connect with their favorite stars through online chats, videos, blogs and photographs.
The fans can also take membership to get special discounts and loyalty benefits on their works through this web portal. The portal will be launched on January 10 and the actor will be the first buyer of the tickets of the upcoming film Yamla Pagla Deewana.
The source adds that Ajay chose the launch date as January 10 because he is very close to Bobby Deol, who is starring in Yamla Pagla Deewana along with his dad Dharmendra and Sunny Deol.
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