Janet Jackson Recalls Tupac Shakur's Sweet Side

Janet Jackson still misses her late "Poetic Justice" co-star Tupac Shakur, insisting the "sweet" rapper wasn't always the tough guy he portrayed through his music. Jackson made her film debut alongside Shakur in the 1993 romance, and became close friends with the hardman hip-hop star, who was fatally shot in Las Vegas three years later.

And Jackson reveals she saw Shakur's softer side on set. She tells Britain's Sunday Telegraph, "Pac was just silly. He was completely different from what people knew. Not that it was an act, the person that the world knew, because that was him, too. I adored him - he liked to play and laugh."

"I remember when he said he was going back to L.A. to get a tattoo. And I said, 'Why are you going to L.A. We're not supposed to leave, we have a shoot tomorrow.' He looked at me and said, 'Square!' When he came back he showed me the tattoo he got on his stomach. He was sweet. Granted, there was another side, but he wouldn't snap or go crazy out of nowhere. There had to be something that triggered that. I miss him."


lol thats not 2Pac! bwahahahaaa

1st off thats not 2Pac thats Josh Harraway a Very Bass 2Pac Impersonator but if you ever listen to him he talks like Pee Wee Herman,, and i dont believe that story at all total BS,,coz pac said many times in several interview as soon as they finished shooting Poetic Justice, Janet changed her celfone number FACT!! so get your facts right ya yamp!

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